Exceeding 24"x60" 2015 Ink wash painting
Exceeding was commissioned for the Saginaw Valley State University Writing Center. The Writing Center is a structural support that solidifies SVSU students’ educational achievements. The subject of this painting, an old stone bridge, symbolizes the students’ path to knowledge. Each stone represents a challenge and the more challenges that a student conquers, the nearer they come to exceeding their dreams. The five cardinals (the school’s mascot is the cardinal) represent SVSU’s spirit, along with the five continents from which the school’s students come. The fog or mist surrounding the bridge reminds the students to keep focused on their learning and not get distracted.

Believing that Spring Will Come 63"x35" 2015 Watercolor on rice paper
When wandering through the Smoky Mountains, Louise came across many splendid scenes. She found rocks, trees, waterfalls, streams, mist, moss, lichen and many more just waiting to be painted. Louise was determined to take on the challenge of using a full sheet of rice paper to express the magnificence of a waterfall.
The fox sits by the torrential current, yet still is able to enjoy listening the meek sound of the buds popping and blooming. He symbolizes a person who is calm, patient and wise.
The whole painting describes an individual enduring the loneliness and bitterness in order to embrace a warm, colorful future. The flower buds on each twist show signs of a coming spring. Also, the strong flow of water from upstream represents the already melted snow. Spring is approaching and hope will come, too.
Moss and lichen bring life to plants and rocks. Their colors are soothing greens. Louise follows the traditional washing technique. After the first wash dries, Louise keeps repeatedly washing at least ten more times to create a moist look.
The future is unpredictable, just like the fading spots of the background covered by mist. We should keep a strong belief – whether it’s trust in God or one’s philosophy – that leads us to do the right thing and gives us hope of what’s to come.

Searching for Hidden Wisdom 61"x33" 2005 Watercolor on rice paper
The rocks are balanced but are not all the same. They are not symmetrical yet they achieve perfect balance. The rocks represent permanence in contrast with the fragile praying mantises which represent life. Even the insects show a balance: one is ambitious; one conservative. While the rocks stay in one place, the praying mantises are free to explore the earth. In so many ways, this painting illustrates the concept of yin and yang, or the opposites that together make a complete harmonious whole.

Abide in Nature 30"x20" 2012 Ink wash painting
Imagine myself is the villager who live by the waterfall. Not only am not bothered by the noise of waterfall but also understand how tiny myself is compare to the magnificent Nature. With sense of modesty, Human being become part of nature. The unpredictable storm and mist was expressed by “ splash ink technique spontaneously.

Decision, Decision, Decision 16"x20" Ink wash painting
Choosing between lollipop and pumpkin is a difficult decision for this squirrel. Life is full of traps, decision making is always a challenge.

Recalling 24"x24" 2014 Watercolor on rice paper
When looking back to where we came form and what had being happening in life, they could be something that we wish they never happen. It’s like a living soul standing in the middle of mist. People’s judgments are reflected on the trouble water. What is clear is the present, not the distant view, not the distorted reflection.

The Beauty of Sharing Size: 27x54 2017 Watercolor and Ink on Rice Paper
Every year before Sandhill Cranes fly south, they rest in the corn field in the middle of journey. Farmers left some corns in the fields after harvest for the passing visitors - the beautiful Sandhill Cranes. What a beauty of sharing. Louise painted three cranes to imply the three sisters in her family. Feeling homesick and lonely, Louise is the only one of family living overseas in the cold Michigan.